Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A gift that stings...

Him: Here, the guy at the market was selling these.
Me: Thanks I will get my gloves.

My sweet husband has been utterly consumed by writing his thesis: PhD in Neuro Science, but that isn't necessarily what he does. Another one of those long stories. Regardless his brain has been very left sided lately. So it was kinda nice that when saw some stinging nettles he thought of me and not how the the stinging mechanism works.

To follow a Stinging Nettle & Ricotta Ravioli to die for: photos by me.


  1. It is so nice when they do that.

    I have never had stinging nettles in anything, not sure if I can get them in Kentucky

  2. What a sweet hubby you have :) Never tried nettles, stinging or otherwise, what do they taste like?



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